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The History of Honey

The History of Honey

Have you ever wondered where honey comes from? Or how it’s made? Wonder no more, because in this post we’re going to explore the history of honey. We’ll discuss how this delicious pantry staple has been used for centuries, and take a look at some of...
What is the chemical composition of honey?

What is the chemical composition of honey?

What Makes Up Honey? Do you know the composition that makes up honey? Often, what comes to mind is sugar. However, honey actually contains other components like proteins, enzymes, pollen and more, which can be beneficial to the body. Before you try and avoid honey at...
Honeycomb Candy Recipe

Honeycomb Candy Recipe

A Delicious Sweet Treat For You! Everyone loves honey, and there are many ways to consume it. In this recipe, learn how to make your honeycomb candy/toffee at home. Honeycomb candy is not only great on its own but can be used in many different ways. Learn more in this...

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