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A Hut Where Beekeepers Store Their Knowledge About Bees and Honey.

Honey for Coughing

Is Acacia Honey Good for Cough?

Coughs, whether from the common cold, allergies, or other irritants, are a common symptom that can be persistent and disruptive. Over-the-counter medications often provide relief, but natural remedies are increasingly popular for those looking for gentler...

acacia honey singapore

Understanding Acacia Honey, A Golden Gift from Nature

Introduction to Acacia Honey Acacia honey is one of the most revered and sought-after varieties of honey globally, thanks to its light, delicate flavor, remarkable clarity, and host of health benefits. Derived from the nectar of the flowers of the black locust...

tupelo honey

A Detailed Exploration of Tupelo Honey

Introduction Honey, the golden nectar derived from the diligent work of bees, comes in an astonishing variety of flavors, textures, and colors, each reflecting the unique flora of the region where it is produced. Among the many types of honey, Tupelo honey stands...

Why The Bees Are Disappearing And Why You Should Care

Why The Bees Are Disappearing And Why You Should Care

Bees Are Often Misunderstood Some might consider the bee to be a dangerous insect, preferring instead to avoid this striped, yellow insect at all cost. However, the bee plays a crucial role in ensuring that we humans have enough food to sustain us daily. What has the...

The History Of Manuka Honey

The History Of Manuka Honey

Why Choose Manuka Honey? Manuka honey is a delicious, well-known, natural product. Its benefits and uses are extensive, and many covet this wonderful ingredient. However, you may not have taken the time to learn a little more about the history and origins of this...

What Does The Phrase ‘Land Of Milk And Honey’ Mean?

What Does The Phrase ‘Land Of Milk And Honey’ Mean?

What Is ‘Milk And Honey’ Anyway? Perhaps you’ve heard of this phrase being mentioned in casual conversation, or in an article you’ve read. Unsure what it actually means? Read on to find out more about the interesting origins and meanings behind this odd...

Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Where Are The Honeycombs? If you live in an urban area, you may not observe the various honeycombs around you. No, we don’t mean literal honeycombs! Many engineers and products designer have taken inspiration from bees, using the hexagonal structure that bees use to...

What is the MGO and UMF Grading System?

What is the MGO and UMF Grading System?

Buy Only The Best And Most Authentic Manuka honey is often considered as ‘liquid gold’ given its multitude of beneficial properties and uses. From healing wounds to brightening your skin, manuka honey can do it all! To truly know that your manuka honey is the real...

Your Manuka Honey Is Worth Every Penny: Here’s Why!

Your Manuka Honey Is Worth Every Penny: Here’s Why!

Worth the price tag? Manuka honey is often associated with its multitude of nutritional benefits, but the price tag often comes to mind as well. As compared to its regular counterparts, the price of manuka honey may seem pretty steep. Ever wondered if it’s really...

How Much Manuka Honey Can I Eat In A Day?

How Much Manuka Honey Can I Eat In A Day?

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Manuka Honey? Manuka honey has so many wondrous benefits. It can heal wounds, soothe the worst coughs and even treat our acne outbreaks! Awesome! Knowing all the great benefits that honey can have, you might be tempted to start eating...

Manuka Honey For Your Dog!

Manuka Honey For Your Dog!

Does manuka honey benefit my dog? Simply put, yes! Manuka honey has bountiful benefits for humans, but also for dogs. From spicing up your dog’s meals to healing skin ailments, manuka honey is a wonderful product to treat man’s best friend.   #1 Treating Skin...

7 Unbelievable Uses For Honey

7 Unbelievable Uses For Honey

Honey is not just used as food alone. It has such a wide variety of uses beyond. Honey can treat wounds, heal stubborn acne and even serve as a remedy for coughs. From topical applications to refreshing recipes, the uses for honey seem almost endless. Here are some ways to include honey into your life, both in and beyond the kitchen.

Manuka vs. Raw vs. Regular honey

Manuka vs. Raw vs. Regular honey

How do I choose my honey? It may seem confusing, but there are some key differences between manuka, raw and regular store-bought honey.

Bees Are Not The Only Animals That Make Honey!

Bees Are Not The Only Animals That Make Honey!

Bees And Honey! These two are a classic pairing! Honey bees are well known for producing this wonderful, magnificent, and tasty treat. However, you may not have known that other animals produce honey as well. This article will show you how honey bees and other animals...

6 Animals That Love Honey As Much As Us!

6 Animals That Love Honey As Much As Us!

We Love Honey! Honey, especially that from the Manuka plant, is packed full of wonderful nutrients and health benefits. We love Manuka honey, but so do animals! Seems they might know a thing or two about this delicious ingredient. This article will introduce you to...

Natural VS Artificial Sweeteners

Natural VS Artificial Sweeteners

Sugar: The Greatest Enemy You might have heard that consuming foods that contain processed sugar is bad for you. This is true, but what are the negative impacts of consuming large amounts of sugar? What are some better, natural alternatives? Find out more in this...

Why The Bees Are Disappearing And Why You Should Care

Why The Bees Are Disappearing And Why You Should Care

Bees Are Often Misunderstood Some might consider the bee to be a dangerous insect, preferring instead to avoid this striped, yellow insect at all cost. However, the bee plays a crucial role in ensuring that we humans have enough food to sustain us daily. What has the...

The History Of Manuka Honey

The History Of Manuka Honey

Why Choose Manuka Honey? Manuka honey is a delicious, well-known, natural product. Its benefits and uses are extensive, and many covet this wonderful ingredient. However, you may not have taken the time to learn a little more about the history and origins of this...

What Does The Phrase ‘Land Of Milk And Honey’ Mean?

What Does The Phrase ‘Land Of Milk And Honey’ Mean?

What Is ‘Milk And Honey’ Anyway? Perhaps you’ve heard of this phrase being mentioned in casual conversation, or in an article you’ve read. Unsure what it actually means? Read on to find out more about the interesting origins and meanings behind this odd...

Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Where Are The Honeycombs? If you live in an urban area, you may not observe the various honeycombs around you. No, we don’t mean literal honeycombs! Many engineers and products designer have taken inspiration from bees, using the hexagonal structure that bees use to...

What is the MGO and UMF Grading System?

What is the MGO and UMF Grading System?

Buy Only The Best And Most Authentic Manuka honey is often considered as ‘liquid gold’ given its multitude of beneficial properties and uses. From healing wounds to brightening your skin, manuka honey can do it all! To truly know that your manuka honey is the real...

Your Manuka Honey Is Worth Every Penny: Here’s Why!

Your Manuka Honey Is Worth Every Penny: Here’s Why!

Worth the price tag? Manuka honey is often associated with its multitude of nutritional benefits, but the price tag often comes to mind as well. As compared to its regular counterparts, the price of manuka honey may seem pretty steep. Ever wondered if it’s really...

How Much Manuka Honey Can I Eat In A Day?

How Much Manuka Honey Can I Eat In A Day?

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Manuka Honey? Manuka honey has so many wondrous benefits. It can heal wounds, soothe the worst coughs and even treat our acne outbreaks! Awesome! Knowing all the great benefits that honey can have, you might be tempted to start eating...


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