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Why Are Honeycombs Hexagonal?

Why Are Honeycombs Hexagonal?

Learn More About A Bee’s Favourite Shape! When you think about bees and honeycombs, you almost always picture the neatly aligned hexagons within the comb. In fact, bees pretty much never make any other shape! Perhaps you’ve wondered why bees only use hexagons?...
How Is Honey Extracted From The Honeycomb?

How Is Honey Extracted From The Honeycomb?

Harvesting “Liquid Gold” Honey is often referred to as liquid gold, the liquid chock full of beneficial nutrients that have so many health benefits for the consumer. Yet, the process of producing that jar of honey is not easy at all. From keeping bees, to the...
The Mystical World Of Urban Beekeeping

The Mystical World Of Urban Beekeeping

Fascinating Urban Beekeeping! When you talk about beekeeping, images of flower fields and beekeepers in large protective suits often come to mind. While this image is not wrong, we hope to introduce you to the idea of urban beekeeping that goes against the...
The Making Of Honeycomb and Its Uses!

The Making Of Honeycomb and Its Uses!

Bees And Their Honeycombs Other than producing honey, honeycombs are also another product that bees produce. It may seem unassuming, but honeycombs can be utilized in many different ways. Learn how honeybees form these hexagonal cells and fill them with honey, as well...
Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Honeycombs Are All Around You!

Where Are The Honeycombs? If you live in an urban area, you may not observe the various honeycombs around you. No, we don’t mean literal honeycombs! Many engineers and products designer have taken inspiration from bees, using the hexagonal structure that bees use to...

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